Short care sheet for Halloween Crab (Gecarcinus quadratus):
Origin: Central America (Mexico, Panama), North America (Florida to Guyana in CA)
Size: up to 6 cm
Temperature: 26-29C
Humidity: 80+%
Water pH: 7.5-8.0
Difficulty Level: Easy/Average
Halloween Crab (Gecarcinus quadratus) is a medium sized species that inhabits coasts of tropical North, Central and South America. It is very colourful – black and red carapace with yellow dots, orange red legs and purple claws.
These crabs are social and must be kept separately or as a group in very large vivarium (min. requirements is 60L per one specimen). As many other crabs they are superb climbers and this is why you will need to use escape proof lid. Also they are burrowing and spend a lot of time in holes they dig all the time, so there must be enough of substrate in their enclosure (min. requirements are 15-25 cm).
Substrate may consist from coconut fiber, non fertilised soil, peat and sand. It can be topped with sphagnum moss or leaf litter. Also this is important to keep substrate moist all the time, water bowl must be presented as well.
Halloween Crabs are omnivorous, but do not feed them with protein-rich food like insects all the time. Most part of their diet must consist from fruits, leaves, vegetables, flowers etc, also do not leave food (especially protein based) in enclosure for more than 24 hours as in very moist environment it will get spoiled quickly – mold is very dangerous for crabs health!
Be aware that Halloween Crabs can hide in substrate for a long time, so this is important to leave them in peace as they can be preparing for molting or just molted. Also they are nocturnal.
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